Island Of Sorrow

Alone she is an island

Surrounded by great sorrow
All she has is pain today
She hasnt a tomorrow

Now she sits in solitude

Hands drawn up to her face
Weeping for the long ago
And a far off distant place

Waves of woe lick at her shore

Bringing in a tide of doubt
Once she was a happy lass
But now lonliness is all about

Why does she sit so quiet

Turned in upon her heart
It is her love of long ago
With whom she had to part

Lonliness errodes her soul

Taking from her bit by bit
Till she's just a barren isle
Never to recover it

Her lips do part in a soft moan

Is there no hope for me she cries
Then she slips into the sea
Slowly this sweet island dies

copyright© 1998 By Sheila Lynn

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