M'lady Nature

Through forest, stream and field
Riding high upon my steed
My love for land and kingdom
This life of a knight I lead

I see there in the trees and bush

Small animals scurry to and fro
The birds are all a flutter now
Traveling through their world I go

This nature in my mystic forest

Her beauty I see near and far
Even nightfall can not dim
The brightness of her distant star

Then as I lay my head to rest

Surrounded by earths very own
Leaves and moss serve as my bed
Never shall I be alone

This lady sings my lulliby

Her mystic land I wish to keep
She cradles me in her loving arms
As slowly I drift off to sleep

M'lady nature keeps me safe

Daylight comes to me again
Wraped in her arms I wake anew
My love for her will never end

© 1998 By Sheila Lynn

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Email: sheila_lynn@hotmail.com