Poems By Poetress_Lisa

Poems By Poetress_Lisa

Be Still My Heart

My heart skipped some beats today,

he spoke I felt my nerves begin to ease with each moment,
my heart calmed,
my jitters gone,
so comfortable now,
his dazzling smile,
his shining blue eyes,
those I'll dream of tonight,
he's smart and funny,
and quite handsome and sweet,
didn't want the day to end.
Tomorrow I must return home,
with a heavy heart though,
will miss his warm smiling eyes,
til we meet again,
farewell sweet prince.

copyright © 6-21-98 By Lisa


My brother was really sad to see me go,

no sadder than I was to leave.
We don't get to see very much of each other,
when we do we try to make-up for lost time,
there just isn't enough time.
We are such important parts of each others lives,
we hate to see it end,
sadly it does.
It hurts like crazy but we go on,
we keep each other in our hearts.
I love you Scott,
from my heart to yours.

copyright © 10-27-97 By Lisa


A sweet young lady you are,

whose smile can catch a falling star.
Your laughter and smile remain with me.
Will miss you so,
til next year,
will meet again,
to have fun like we did.
Getting to know you was half the fun,
like saying farewell to my new best friend.
Now the summers done,
our fun is through.
Would like to keep in touch with you,
if you don't mind,
to write to you would be just fine.
Take care of you,
I must bid you adieu.
For if I continue, I will cry,
then this page will not be dry.
Til next year sweetheart,
knowing your in my heart,
our friendship won't ever part.
copyright © 8-10-98 By Lisa

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