New Poems

A Soft Kiss

Touching those lips
And urgently turn
With eyes closed
Your soul into me burns

I need to feel those lips
The way your lips feed mine
To feed there so softly
Take and give at the same time

I tremble at your touch
I know the fire I need
Tasteing of your soul
Feeling my heart bleed

I stop, I smile, and want
To eat your passions fire
And all this shall begin
A kiss filled with desire

Feed Me

Will your kiss not save my life
Will it feed my hunger deep
And satisfy my thirst
Dry my eyes as I do weep

Can your kiss not show the way
To sate this deep desire
The magic of your lips so sweet
To raise my spirit high

Will you keep me safe
From drowning in despair
Can you save my life
My soul to you I bare

Will your kiss not save this life
And feed my hungers seed
As I eat and drink of you
To satisfy my need


If you never hunger
how is it you will know
The sweetest satisfaction
that warm and sated glow

If you never want
to touch and need, desire
You will never feel
the heat of passions fire

If you never taste
taking love there to your lips
And feed upon a soul
deep in passions grip

Passion feeds that emptiness
that hunger deep inside
Open up your heart
I am hunger, now you cry


Holding you so close
My eyes are closed yet seeing
All you are to me
Love, a reason for my being

I can smell your scent
I can see your eyes
When you gaze at me
The passion and desire

Playing in my darkness
Creating hunger deep
I want to hold you real
And not just in my sleep


There inside a heart so blue
A story sad of love thats true
Once so tightly I held you
Until the evil came

You were the gallant noble knight
And held my love night after night
Until the sweetness of daylight
My lips spoke just of you

Taken by your sence of duty
Asked I be your love so truly
Assured I was your only beauty
Our love it seemed so right

So off to fight a noble war
To leave me shaken to the core
And die upon some distant shore
Sate your sence of duty

Your lips did twice but say my name
Before the darkness of death rang
And stole your last breath without shame
I'll love you evermore


Opening the cap
I offer you a drink
Dark and fragrant wine
Pours from my pen as ink

Your face as pale as moonlight
No emotion does it show
As you drink my words
My mind begins to flow

Shall I feed you secrets
Or passion from my soul
Watch and see what happens
As a poem begins to grow