Some New Poems


I am a poetry seamstress
I weave my words with silver string
Golden needles hem them in
To see the love they bring

My thimbles made of precious gold
It doesnt let me prick my finger
Sewing all my love for poems
The fabric of my soul to linger

I love to do fine needle work
My needle never strays
To see the final garment now
Its filled with love today

Will you wear my poem please
Its fabric woven tight
Perhaps a scarf around your heart
Will fill your lonely nights

A Poem

Will you write me a love poem
Will you write it line for line
Can you tell me that you love me
Write it down to last all time

Can you tell me in a sweet way
The love thats in your heart
Use a buncha thees and thous
And tell me that we'll never part

What did you say my dearest one?
There are no words to say
All the love you have for me
Can't write it down today

I guess then those three tiny words
That come from inside of you
Even tho it is no sonnet
I know you love me too

Missing Child

Come to me you little bunny
Hop along this wooded trail
I can see your ears a bobbin
And your fluffy tail

Why did your mother let you linger
All alone out at the beach
Did she never think about
How easily I could reach

So little bunny it's huntin time
I know your such sweet prey
Just a simple rabbit snare
Makes you all mine today

Didn't your Daddy ever tell you
About we evil men
One can surely snatch you up
Never to be seen again

So there little lamb or bunny
Never go alone to roam
Preditors out there in the world
So stay closer to your home

Miss Clairol

Today I looked into the mirror
And much to my chagrin
It looked as if I had been working
With silver paint again

There was a silver shine about
My temples and my crown
One that pointed right straigght to
How long this hair had been around

I made a face with squinted eyes
With sadness an image did appear
It looked just like an old lady stood
And stared right at me here

So I took a little outing to
My neighborhood drug store
Rows and rows of "natural" color
But I knew the shade I came here for

It was the shade of youth
Of innocence and love affairs
Of flying free out in the breeze
The color of my auburn hair

There it was so perfect
On the outside of the little box
The woman on it looked so happy
Wearing my beautiful auburn hair

And so I bought that miracle box
The directions I read twice
Youth it seemed was such a bargain
At this low discount price


Why do you want to suffocate

To stiffel and keep me down
Why do you need to dominate
And have me gagged and bound

Those tiny words "I Love You"

You use them like a rope
One that ties me to your side
Keeping silent dreams and hopes

I feel like I am drowning

I can't come up for air
I life just beyond my reach
Crying out but helps not there

All I want is a small piece

A tidbit a tiny crumb
Of love and life and happiness
But there I stay under your thumb

I know I need to break my binds

to run, play and be free
What will it take to push me to
The point I can be me?

Will it take a seperation

One you'll still control
And when I don't come back to you
You give me freedom in my head....A tiny bullet hole

Games Of Love

A deck of cards befor me

Four suites four ladies so sweet
Ruling over games of love
And hands you can not beat

First the Queen of Spades

A dark and lonely soul
Eyes that yearn for distant love
A card she'll never hold

Next the Queen of Diamonds

All glitze and sparkeling shine
Longing too, for sweet surrender
Never to have love so fine

Now to our own dear Queen of Clubs

Is she the suit that can't be held
She is lacking all the light of love
And passion so heartfelt

The Queen of Hearts who own all love

Ruling with a satin hand
And holds the love of all she meets
In this her magic land


With pride and joy I sew this silk

Fashioned to please thine eye
My heart is overwhelmed
As I come to bid thee good bye

I ask thee wear my colours into battle

Plumed upon they silver casque
And ride off proudly into war
Thy love and honor all I ask

Noble in thy stature

Set high upon thy steed
Taking all my love and hope
Traveling along with thee

Guilded armor shining bright

Polished to a gleaming glow
My heart doth skip a beat within
As into battle I watch thee go

Many days I long for thee

It seems a life long time
Til the day thee doth return
To claim my love as thine

Then as thee doth return

A haggard and injured man
But still I see my colours there
Displayed upon thy casque so grand

I know deep in my heart of hearts

Of the magic in our souls
And run to thee and closely now
Thine love and life I hold

You Ask

Would I mourn your passing

Be sad of your demise
Would I feel the lonliness
To shed from my sad eyes

Would your spirit go away

To never visit me again
Never feel your loving touch
From your spirits gentle hand

Yes this loss would break my heart

Oh to lose such a loving soul
Don't go away and leave me dear
It would take a heavy toll

I know it sounds quite selfish

To make you stay with me
To ask you to hold on to
This exsistance and not be free

How would my lifes picture look

If your puzzle piece were lost
A very large hole would appear
In my heart at such great loss

Roses Petals

To touch her petals soft and sweet

Her fragrance invades your very soul
A longing hand reaches out to her
Wanting just to have and hold

You watched her bloom and flower

Seen the beauty in her heart
Her tendrils reaching to your soul
Entwining and becoming part

They wrap around, these vines of love

Your heart and cradle there
In a web of leafy stems
Holding close with loving care

Schools In

Joy joy I'm free I'm free

The excitement I can't contain
You see it's end of august
Schools back in again

I bought em pads of paper galore

Shopping for shoes and jeans
Oh, you need a new hat too
Hell, get two by all means

I don't mind that school clothes bill

New underware shirts and socks
The kids all think I'm crazy
Well I am crazy like a fox

For that time between seven and three

My children are gone again
The silence and solitude
Are now my new best friends

The Solution

He sadly looked me in the eye and said

My love is likened to a prison door
For surely not unlocked I will be dead
My soul shall cease to be here evermore

He cocked the pistol aimed it at his head

He's yearning for lifes distant peaceful shore
He wants it all got nothing there instead
Now wondering what his life was put here for

His lonely searching eyes are heaven bound

This soul is shaking deep down to his core
Waiting evermore his blood be shed
So memories inside shall cry no more


The steering wheel slips from my steady hand

Headlights loom upon a new frontier
Shining brightly in this desperate land
Lightening in my eyes so ever near

The crunch of metal wakes me from my daze

An instant shock my body thrown aside
A blareing horn its music forever plays
My spirit floats to see my body die

A touch upon my forehead, Oh so hot

Her cool hand becons me to peaceful sleep
Ever drawn into that restfull spot
The calming waters so very sweet and deep

She takes my by the heart my spirit flys

Pulling at my mind my soul can't wait
Now willing to just let this body die
As she urges me to Heavens gate

copyright © 1998 By Sheila Lynn

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