Poems By Sally

To My Brave Indian, With Love.

Did you know I stared into your eyes last night

searching for clues that have alluded me
Did you feel the tear I shed for the times
perhaps I misunderstood an sought to trust
Did you see my hand reach and touch yours
for a brief second with a soft sense of sadness
Hearing you speak with love of another disbelieving
my ears no less my heart a window closed

Did you know how much you touched my soul

with a love like no other star could shine
Did you feel my life dancing before you
tempting us both to heights never known by either
Did you hear my words try to fill you with a life
that seeped under door jams to give you time
Feel my regret now for not matching another's love
for you, for holding some of my heart in chains

Did you know I felt you in my last life and

watched you die murdered at the hands of a despot
Did you feel my eyes watch as your blood stained
my tears feeling you then slip out of my life
Did you know lying on that ground I bent to kiss
your lips one last time placing my beads around your neck
No tools to bury this love of my life I watched
your spirit rise to the heavens joined with mine

I tell you now of a birth recalled to me by a voice

above the mountain and across the seas
I tell you of that love once felt returned to me
tenfold as your arms opened and embraced me
I tell you again as I kiss your face mixed
with tears of both souls reunited by fire
I hold you with joy unbeholden to god or
spirits so glad once again for the love

Did you know you would leave me again waiting for

another life to begin as I watched you walk away with her?
Waiting for another lifetime to begin.

Sally Mour © Copyright July 12, 1998

Skin Tag

Tag-a child's game but the base is skin

Yours, mine, his, hers, theirs
Laughing and screaming running
In all different directions, behind bushes
Pigtails and ponytails flying by freckles in the wind
The base though is skin
No more children now only grown-ups play
Touch mine and I will touch yours
Only our bodies have increased in size
Minds still play a childs game
No wood, no metal, its skin tag you see
As long as you touch you're safe.

By Sally Mour © Copyright 8/5/83

Wind Chimes

There is a soft warm wind blowing through my mind

It stirs the leaves in circles and my thoughts follow round
Its origins contained in the sands of the desert
And it comes to me cradling my soul, heating my heart

Caressing my face with the time standing fast

Wandering for so long, the lost loves still ashing inside
I sought this fire unknown even to my soul
And followed this path to the words I needed so
Wanting another to share with me my love
And touch me with the care I sought so long ago
The sounds of sweet bells outside a window close to me

Sets my heart beating anew with the hopes

So far away now seeming to feel its intensity again
This wind sculpting from the dunes its shape of you
I see this form emerge and know again a joy
Wanting always to hold you I cement your words
Keeping all intact for who you are I choose to leave be
Never wanting you to change your soul for another
And eternally to keep the trust seated in our love
As we are joined together the torch is lite

The force of this wind binds us, and feeds us

Entwined like the vines of sweet grapes
I hear the sounds of a symphony played only
By this one special instrument so soft to my ears
It moves with the wind, it sounds like our love
Beholding us evermore.

Sally Mour © Copyright 5/12/98

Far Above Me

Its very odd I think as I see your face for it makes me feel tiny
Your arms are crossed in front of you meaning you are closed off
But as we speak you begin to unfold as a clamshell would
All open and alive and wanting to be devoured and I want to
Shell you and taste you and eat you alive a morsel of desire

I trust every word you say to me without a cause to do so
I trust the bites you place on each nipple as you suckle me
For you would never hurt me with love your tongue reaches me
You touch the mountain of my center reach the apex of that gorge
Each lick and each kiss drives me further to see the sun blinding

Trust still in gear the shaft of your being I hold in my hand
The power I possess to bring you joy to kiss each drop is mine
Each thigh so strong is kissed is the deepest sense of love
Jewels pressed for a wine so rare it breathes life into cells
A glue so powerful it is able to join lover to human for eternity

Hearts beating so fast so hard now in sync with minds merged
Tongues slash through lips explore wet caverns lit with flames
Igniting a explosion of sparks burning to the center of our world
Each spark is douse by a nectar the gods have provided to us
To a love spawned in seas of trust floating us in our salty brine

Sally Mour 8/28/98

Nature Boy

A manchild you give your caring to this earth you love
I hear it in your voice the love is felt by those you touch
The knowledge you share of it all is a wonder to behold
I pray it remains in your heart as gluttons try to seize it from you
For there are those who’s regard the stones in your pocket as mere pebbles

Guard it safely for your children and your childrens child as well
Trees that offer you shelter rooted in your heart long ago...ancient ones
They have guarded their secret for thousands of years to be here for you
Rivers that cut their paths have whispered their knowlege to those
Of similar ilk but the plan was lost somewhere between heaven and earth

You, this child of man must be the guardian of it all for soon I will
Pass the stalwart flag to your hand and I know of your worthiness
Please stay forever alert to those who seek to destroy what belongs
To all who inhabit this place of such wonder two legged and four alike
Leafed or bare, fertile or seedlings I trust you more so then others

For I know of you to be pure of heart and a soul unpoisoned by the business of man
You tell me that you need not pockets of gold for you see what others are blind to
You are wise as the natives who realize that not one owns the sky so blue
Or the air so precious that we breath or the still waters of the lakes
My faith in your hands will guide you to hold this flag high above your head always

Sally Mour 8/27/98


In the history of the world there was never such a love before
Set back in times of old a history of sadness of death and tears
Of the starving and the destitute the beggars on the streets so narrow
For centuries a caste system left the untouchables in the streets where
They remain always with no hope of ever being better then today

With my own tears I learn that I too am one of them with not a clue
Too late the knowledge I needed came to me my ignorance so great
Perhaps I hid my eyes from the ugliness that surrounded this love
For the beauty of his flower held the truth behind its petals unseen
Could I have held my heart cold if I had even known at first

The Mothers of the Church minister to the sick and wounded but
Who now will make the two of us well again there is no one
What was once pure is tainted with rituals as old as mankind
One soul born to serve and the other born to freedom with wings
But grounded forever now in the sordid soil of the East

The oceans that were ours filled with life are now barren and poisoned
The pagan Gods have seen to the termination of something so good
That this society is in need of but does not see its own sickness
The price put on the head of this male brings wealth to the parents
It brings death to two souls never to be together till the end of time.

Sally Mour 10.08.98

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