Vincents Poems

'Alluring Touch, Sensuous Love'

Stars blankets the lonely dark skies.
Each wanting from it its wishes granted,
to hold onto even in days not saying goodbye.
Guided by its sun, illuminating its path
for the stars to take its lighted stage.
Knowing at night of its wishes for you they will have.
How its soft lights lightly touches your face
in creating an image so angelic, its innocence
never leaving or going astray such image to remain.
Your voice I so have with me, carrying and wanting,
knowing of its tone being sweet and alluring.
That voice whispering so softly..'I am here if you need me.'
Your words like a fallen rain I can feel
as it permeates through my thoughts, continues so, never ending.
My inner senses being aroused to announce
that I so want for this night to last,
wanting to feel of that sensuous love.
Then after our hours of being together I know of your touch, no doubt
As no one can ever take away nor replace
that ever alluring touch from your love,
deriving from a special someone.
Her ever erotic, sensuous exotic perfume lingers in the air,
its scent leaving its mark saying she was there.
Applying lightly upon her soft skin, all around....
it heightens and awakens my senses
then controlling my desires I do not dare
as it leads me back to her.
Using the wishes from the stars blanket filled night,
I have her here, having her with me
while letting the night take its course.
My hands, ever so gently gliding my fingers along
her soft alluring feminine curves.
The first signs of light appearing in making,
leaving behind its night before
once sharing the night filled stars within our hours.
We have taken from those stars its every wishes.
For its many nights to come for us, it so belonging.
Holding on to that, once again stars blankets night skies
not knowing goodbye.
Knowing what it wants, guiding, showing and giving us another,
for each other, that passionate, sensuous love we so want.

copyright © 1998 By: Vincent A. Isola (vinney32)

Silence of Dreams

The clouds above me they did parted
letting the light of hope enter me, light of love.
Each rays from its light remains like a stain,
an impression imprinted upon my soul wanting to stay.
I ask of such things to occur it does so.
Standing before me she is there... it is her.
I reach to touch but she is nowhere.
Did I want strongly as to create an image
a shadowy figure to appear?
Solely for me, only for me. I wanted her to know.
The winds gentle at first then quietly, quietly it disappears
as no longer feel of it.
Before me she so stands. Reaching for me, she knows
of whom she belongs to.
The radiant light, its light reaches in giving a living symbol forming.
Wanting of her.
Silent, so quiet to know. Words of being, leaving yet pleading
from past lost long ago. I can not hear.
We stood there unmoved, unwanted as we so dared
asking time to slow.
Wanting of time I ask... "May we share of it alone?"
It goes without me, needing no one to follow.
Can I enter throught its door? Its keys I have so before.
I open of it, slowly the winds, its winds of time passing before me.
Did I feel of it? I lost it.
Like its images cast upon that radiant light letting it go,
its flashing light gone for a second, never to recapture of its own minutes.
Capturing of its lost time, its moments belonging to that stage of infinite.
The clouds gathering upon itself to enclose, encased.
No longer seeing of her,
losing that radiant image.
Its light to guide me back within darkness.
Its every pursuing elusive desires of wanting with her to remain.
Remaining in its own lonely ambiance of once again being so mysterious.
But before this all occurred of her, her images left its impression imprinted.
Clouds above me no longer wanting to be parted.
Like my sincere and enduring emotions given to her,
that emotion called love.

copyright © 1998 By: Vincent A. Isola (vinney32)


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