This movie was about a mother (Michelle Pheifer) that has to deal with her 3 year old son being kidknapped and if he is dead or alive?
Then one day, after 5 or 6 years passed, she accidently finds him. Of course she wants him back home but can her son handle living in a new home with a new (but original) family?
This movie has such a great storyline to it. I usually think the same thing? What if one day a kidknapped child is found and how does he/she adapt to going home and dealing with his family?
The mother of course went through in the beginning thinking she was a terrible mother, her husband and other 2 children blaming her and then ignoring the fact that she does have other children that needs her attention too.
What a great story huh? Too bad it was boring as hell and extremely depressing. Nope, I thought they could've done so much more with this movie and didn't.