<--end--> <----start beginners----->

HTML-for beginners

******VERY IMPORTANT******

When you start an email or web page you must begin with <<>HTML<>> at the very beginning and at the very end you must have <<>/HTML<>>.

  1. BOLD- <<>b<>>, <<>/b<>>
  2. ITALICS- <<>i<>>,<<>/i<>>
  3. UNDERLINE- <<>u<>>,<<>/u<>>
  4. TYPEWRITER- <<>t<>>,<<>/t<>>


  • Your font sizes can range from -7 to +7

    EX. <<>font size="-2"<>> <<>/font<>>

  • COLOR: all types of colors, experiment with all the different colors

EX. <<>font color="red"<>> <<>/font<>>

You Can Combine Font Codes:

EX. <<>font color="red" size="3"<>><<>/font<>>


  • a whole page background code would look like this: EX. <<>body background="http://members.tripod.com/~w ebtv20/shell.gif"<>> <<>/body<>>
    <-----end----> <----cut n paste----->


    THIS IS THE BEST FEATURE THAT WEBTV UPGRADED!! As you can tell this feature gets me very excited.. lol. I have saved ALOT of time with this feature and it's very easy to use once you've played with it. You can cut codes of images, html and javascript, midis and wavs and paste them in you're email signature box or on you're web site.

    1. find something u want to have in ur email, then hold down the SHIFT key and arrow over the text and it will highlight it
    2. then u wanna copy it.. u ''hold down'' the CMND key and then hit C u should here a little click noise
    3. paste it somewhere, anywhere, that u can write in... the way to do that is simple..just hit CMND and V
    4. cut unwanted text out? easy again... u highlight it (step one) then hit CMND X and that will cut it out
    • CUT-PASTE THINGS U CANT TYPE IN (little tricky)
    1. find some java or something w/a long code that u dont feel like writing down? easy but tricky... hold down CMND and then hit A ...now everything will be highlighted on that page so u need to hit ur FIND button and enter the first or last word ur code starts or ends with
    2. repeat steps 1-3

    <----start email codes---->


    Would you like to change the text color of you're email? There's so many different types of backgrounds that you can use, BUT, you cant see the text because the background is too dark or too light? Well, now you can change the color with this simple code.... <<>body text="red"<>> <<>/body<>> YES, thats it!!! You can use any color that you would like,experiment with all the colors until you find one that you like the best.

    EMAIL: 2 different ways to save email addresses

    1. You can manually add the address into your book by going into the ADDRESS part of your email and then follow the steps to add the names.


    2. When you recieve an email, click the blue NAME at the top right hand corner. then just follow the steps to ADD the address in your book.

    HINT: If you want to email, forward or reply to 1 or more friend... all you need to do is click the blue TO: button at the top of your email. That will open your SAVED ADDRESSES. Then just click on 1 or more people, hit CONTINUE and then send your email.


    *NOTE* Go into your favorites FAVS KEY then click on the ORGANIZE botton and go to the SHORTCUTS secetion. Finally, you assign which F1234567 KEY you would like to make into a shortcut.

    EX. I assigned my F1 key to my express log in to edit my website

    IRC: What is an IRC?

    When you go into the chat rooms, do you ever see people using pop ups? An IRC looks like another television screen inside of your television screen. They are great to use in the chat rooms. Not only do they have fun pop ups but they also have music, lots of paging boxes

    *NOTE* paging boxes are the MSG boxes you see at the bottom of your screen. You can ''page'' people that are in different chat rooms than what you are in. It's like a WHISPER but you can reach people in different rooms.

    <><><><> <>


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Email: shelll30@webtv.net