Lansing Architectural History Association membership information:

Mission Statement:

The Lansing Architectural History Association seeks to promote the preservation and study of historically significant structures in the city of Lansing. We will do this by providing information to the general community on the importance of architectural history and by organizing to save and restore threatened structures.

Association Activities:

* The Association publishes and maintains the Lansing Architectural History web site at
* The Association also produces the Lansing Architectural History Newsletter on a quarterly basis, which includes both architectural references as will as general local historical information.
* The Association produces Action Alerts regarding threatened structures on an as-needed basis.

Annual Membership dues:

Student: $7.00
Individual: $15.00
Family: $25.00
Sustaining: $50.00
Patron: $100.00
Lifetime: $500.00
Institution: $50.00


Name_________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City _________________________ State ________ Zip ________________________________
Institution name (if applicable) ____________________________________________________________
Phone (_____) _____-__________
email ___________________________________________________
Membership type (from above list) _______________________________ amount enclosed $__________

Area(s) of interest (example: preservation, research, etc.)*
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (* Member activity is strongly encouraged but not required.)

Make checks payable to: Lansing Architectural History Association

Mail to: Lansing Architectural History, c/o Mike Kolhoff & Faith Rach, 756 Chicago Av. Lansing, MI 48915