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Adopt a creature



Sorry to everyone who signed up for a creature from here, but i have WAY too much to do... so form now on, you can take whichever creature you want. I will probably get arount to the creatures you all requested, but then again, i might not. sorry for any inconveniences, but i have way to much to do to be drawing that much.

Adopted pets
Dragon cave
Adopt a Creature
Win my award
Phrantic’s lair
Adopt a Dragon
Galliaph’s lair
Moonmist the moon dragon
Davinaar’s lair
My oddballz page
Orioleph’s cavern
Starenith’s place
Jameth’s place
The ring of dragons and knights
Leolle’s place
The treasure
Adopt a wolf

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This Ring of Dragons and Knights site is owned by silverphoenix.

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