This is Vissa. Isn't she beautiful? She's a Halloween/autumn minidragon. Want to know a little moe about what her kind of mini's can do?
Well, hese amazing creatures have the ability to communicate with
the dead, and other worldly souls. They can chanel spirits, or just
bring back messages. They most often appear on halloween, as that is when the
barier between our world and the next is the most thin. When working in a
group they can bring forth spirits, of course not to stay, but to speak with a
loved one, or to give advise in a time of trouble. As these minidragons can see the souls of people, both
alive and dead, they are very careful when it comes to choosing a bondmate. They
choose only the most pure hearted, and open individuals. For
closemindedness hinders their abilities to call on the spirits.
And this would be Nustom. He has power over dreams and is really shy, he likes Vissa, though, and so I put him with her.