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I am Densha Tahristal. You will find more about me here. These are two of my minidragons.


This is Yethselaph. Hello. He is rainbow, which is a very rare color. There are some rarer than I. He has many powers, including fire and destruction, earth and life, telepathy and telekinesis. I am well versed. He is the oldest of my minidragons, which is good, as he is a very noble and caring creature. How kind of you to say so. His parents are not known, and he is a twin. His mate lives here.

And this is Mihra. Hello. As you probably noticed, she is not as telepathic as Yethselaph. I can understand her just fine, but it's harder for her to communicate with you. Difficult. However, she has finding powers. If there is something you want, she can find it for you. She's really good at it. She enjoys it too. Fun. Her parents were wild, so I don't know who they are either. She doesn't have a mate. Looking. She does not make hasty decisions.

This is one of Yephselaph and his mate, Coral's children. Her name is WaterTiger. She is a water minidragon, which are rare. Yethselaph insisted that she stay here. Come back soon!

You can find links to my other minidragons here