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Orioleph's Cavern

As you enter a fairly large cavern, you see a strange creature.
Then a voice in your head starts talking to you...
Hi, my name is Orioleph. I am one of two white rainbow wolragons. Rainbow wolragons are a cross between wolves and dragons. Peace is the only white rainbow wolragon besides me. We oversee all of the other rainbow wolragons. Peace is also my mate. I love her very much.
You know instantly that the creature is talking to you. Would you like to see some pictures of me?
you nod your head. This is me as an egg
This is me as a hatchling
This is me as a baby
This is me as a child

Name: Q'ell
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Color: Blue
Parents: Peace and Orioleph

Name: Shyroph
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Parents: Peace and Orioleph

Name: Yonalph
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Color: Red
Parents: Mananathis and Ayanth

Name: V'la
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Color: Purple
Parents: purple Jyliath and green Radar

Name: Issan
Age: Hatchling
Gender: Male
Color: Red
Parents: Green Anansii And Purple Sparrow

adopt a rainbow wolragon like me
visit peace... My mate, and the only other white rainbow wolragon
adopt a dragon