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You notice someone standing and watching something in the far off distance. You are about to inquire what she is watching, but she holds her hand up, then points to a spot far off. You see nothing for a moment, then a green dragon rises above the horizon, flapping it's wings with all the majestic beauty you might expect from a lower ranking gold.
Again, before you can ask your question, the person stops you. "It's all about attitude. If a green is told she will never amount to anything, she never will. Mine's as good a companion as any gold, she just can't lay eggs. She can however, breathe fire." she points back to the green dragon. In answer, the green dragon scoops something up, then shoots flame high into the sky. "Her name is Jameth. I am Silverphoenix. there is a banner around here that can take you to impress a dragon of your own."
Impress a dragon
