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Peace's Home

peace Welcome to my home. Pleased to meet you...Oh! where are my manners? My name is Peace. A very rare creature am I. I am one of only two white rainbow wolragons. Orioleph is the other. He is also may mate. I love him very much. Oh, before you go, please look at the pictures on the wall...I have a kid...Silverphoenix and Thunderbird finally said i could have a kid..I think I will name it Ashley after my Masters Friend, thats it, i will name it ashley..well, look towards the bottom and you will see her..I got another kid!!!! Thunderbird let me have another one, but she said that this will be the last so glad....
This is me as an egg
This is me as a hatchling
This is me as a baby
This is me as a child

Well thanx for stopping by.

Name: Ashley
Age: Adult
Color: Blue
Gender: Female
Mate: Red Salth
Parents: Peace and Orioleph

Name: Hope
Age: Adult
Color: Purple
Gender: Female
Parents: Peace and Orioleph

Name: Usalan
Age: Adult
Color: Black
Gender: Male
Parents: Peace and Orioleph

Name: Sterling
Age: Adult
Color: Silver
Gender: Female
Parents: Mananathis and Ayanth

Name: Hewlett
Age: Adult
Color: Green
Gender: Male
Parents: purple Jyliath and green Radar

Name: Sparlie
Age: Adult
Color: Black
Gender: Male
Parents: Green Anansii And Purple Sparrow

Name: Adolph
Age: Adult
Color: Red
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown

adopt a rainbow wolragon
visit Orioleph