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Click on the Ouija Queen above to apply
for the Website with Spirit Award.
Or click below for the all new homespun with goodness
Award that's as American as Apple Pie.
Entries will be judged on content and design,
and the color of my mood ring at the time.

The Anjulzine Award. It doesn't get any better. Does it?

Click me! Click me!
Honorable Mention!
for November 1998!
Apply for this award by clicking on the graphic!

The coveted Award from the Big Easy.
From the Hot, Steamy Goddess.

Ahh. The Award I've always wanted a piece of.

No more rough, dry, chapped Website.

From the infamous Kim.
She knows her trivia.

Wow! The elusive Hemmiemmy. And you can bet I'm gonna save
up my money... For the Velvet version. Oh yeah!

The Easily Amused Award.
Enuff said!

Ahh... I wish I could get my hands on two of these!

I was quite honored to receive this Award.
What is it?!

This is the Award I received after I, in a moment of weakness,
stole her Ouija Queen graphic. Looks like a license plate doesn't it?
I think she (the owner) makes these at the Idaho Womens Reformatory.

This was my very first award! Man, did I have to beg.
But they were kind.

And I'm still proud to be a member of the fraternity!
Even though it's more of a love-couch thing.

(Copyright 1998 Awards I Don't DeserveĀ®.)

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