Visitor Comments
Cards & Letters
(Send in your stories to "The Amusement Park" and join in the fun!)
We had the time of our lives at your Park! We loved the rides and the
food. Although we did all become sick to our stomachs when we arrived back home.
Oh well, it was probably just a coincidence. We shall return again...but I think
we'll bring our own sandwiches.
Many thanks, Stacy
Hi Mr. Amusement Park man. I really liked yer park and yer rides. The Haunted House was
a riot. I liked the tilt-o-whirl too. Cept I got sick on it. Sorry about the mess.
My mom said I should write ya, and tell ya that.
Mr. and Mrs. Withers
Thanks for the great time, and the good clean fun. Also, thanks for cleaning
our son Billy up. He was such a mess. Would it be possible to slow that tilt-o-whirl
down some?
Mrs. Withers
Bob, Mary and Sue
Many, many thanks to the owners and operators of the Park! While waiting in line
for the Ferris Wheel, we began chatting with the guy operating the ride.
We mentioned to him that our Dad needed a heart transplant, and that we didn't have
the insurance needed to pay for it. Well, we couldn't believe it when he said he
wanted to help and wrote us a check for the $50,000 we needed!
Bob, Mary and Sue
WOW!! I took advantage of your MatchMaker service while visiting the Amusement Park.
You helped me find the girl of my dreams! As soon as I can get her to stop
charging me by the hour, I'm gonna ask her to settle down with me.
Mary Anne
The guy running the Octopuss was a creep. He tried to hit on me and
my girlfriend Beth. He smelled like a brewery. Where do you find these wierdo's?
Mary Anne and Beth
Sorry, for some reason it's hard to read this letter. (The management)
My husband lost over $300 dollars trying to knock down milk bottles and win me
a big stuffed animal. The barker-guy assured me the game was legitimate. He
said if I came back next time,
my husband, he would take me
in the back and show me how to throw the balls.
Thanks, Marge
You all got the best dang Amusement Park in the world. The wife and I were havin'
a few problems at home, so I thought I'd take her to yer Park and have some fun.
Well golly gee, we not only had fun, but we patched up our marriage in your
Tunnel of Love!! I love ya man!!!!
Yer buddy, Tex
Brad Pitt
I worked summers at the Amusement Park when I was going to school. It's there
where I learned many valuable lessons about life, and it's what made me the star
I am today. I owe all my success to you guys!! Thanks!!
What can I say? I owe my life to you guys! I was originally supposed to take
a flight out to Denver, but was persuaded to visit the Park that day instead.
To my horror, that flight crashed that day, and all aboard were killed.
Forever in your debt,
You guys are great! My little cousin, who tagged along to the Park with us,
was drivin' me nuts. The little creep. So anyway, I gave the Octopus operator
an extra coupla a bucks to speed up the ride that my cousin was on. It got
goin' so fast, that my cousin flew right outta his seat. It was too funny!
We're gonna go visit him now in intensive care. I think he learned his lesson.
I just loved your rides..especially the ones that really vibrated! I'll be
back for more, that's for sure, soon as I recuperate. Gosh you
guys are great. The excitement is orgasmic!
Tryin' to cool down,
I love your $#$#@ Amusement Park! I love your $%$#@# Rides! You're so %$%$#$ Hot!
%$%$#$ Call me!!!
Yours always,