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Have you fallen for someone you've just seen on the
Ferris Wheel? Would you like to take that special "someone"
on a ride thru the Tunnel of Love?
Well, look no further. Fill out the Park's patented
Matchmaker card, and if we can match you with a current
Park guest, we'll announce your names over the P.A system,
for a reasonable fee, and send you and your special "someone"
thru the Tunnel of Love.

So you have to ask yourself,
Do ya feel lucky punk, well do ya?

The Parks Patented Matchmaker Form

Do you want to meet a male/female/doesn't matter.

How much money do you have on you......

Only that much.....Do you have a Mastercard?

What is your Mastercard limit....let me see.

That high huh. Yes, we have a match for you.

Brought to you by "Love ain't Cheap LTD."
A subsidiary of Matchmaker Unlimited™
The "Matchmaker" trademark is owned by, The Park.
For purposes of entertainment only.

The Management