These are Snoflake's Skeletons

Okay, so my life is virtually a soap opera...what can I say?? Maybe one day I will write my memoirs...but, come to think of it, I would never have the time to, because I'm always on this WebTV...heehee. So, for now, I will make my story short and sweet. Ready?? Here goes...

I was born on a cold, snowy, November night back in 1974, in Flint, MI. Later, in 1977, I was joined, along with my mother, Karen, and my father, Ed, by my little sister, Kelly. Mom and Dad have since divorced (when I was about 5), and my little sister has all but grown up and joined the carnival (no, I'm not being a smart-ass...she really is a carnie ). I also have 2 brothers...the first, Dustin, from my Dad's 3rd marriage, and the second, Christopher, from my Dad's 4th marriage. My Dad's 2nd and 5th wife, Nora (yes, the same woman both marriages), has two wonderful sons that I am proud to claim as my stepbrothers, Jonathan and Kevin. Jonathan (who we knew as Paul growing up...actually his middle name) is my age. Kevin is my sister's age. We had a ball growing up when we were younger!!

I resided in Flint or the Flint area for 20 years before deciding to venture out on my own and move to Bay City, MI. After a few dead-end jobs, I eventually worked at Linwood Cycle Sales (Michigan's Oldest Honda Dealership). Ultimately, I met the man who would become my husband, and more recently, that same man is soon to be my ex-husband.

Over the past few months since my seperation, I have met a wonderful man named Tim, moved to Florida with him, and we are expecting our first child in January. I am currently on medical leave from my job at Wal~Mart, but hope to be getting back into the swing of things soon.

As for my interests, I love collecting lighthouses, Cookie Monster stuff, and Christmas village pieces. I love doing crafts, especially things with wood and paint (although, I'm no expert at either). I love nursery rhymes and anything to do with things relating to my childhood (Dr. Suess, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and Sesame Street, just to name a few). I love old, black-n-white, classic movies. I am also interested in meeting new friends online as well as in real life.

So, there you have it. If you didn't know me before, you have a pretty good indication now :) I would enjoy it if you would write me and let me know a little about yourself, too. Maybe we can compare notes :)

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