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Erik Josten

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) In40
E) Mn75
R) Ty6
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 145 Karma: 22
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Size Manipulation: Growth: Erik can grow with Un ability, allowing him to grow up to 30 feet tall. At this height, Erik is +3 CS to be hit by all attacks from normal sized characters. Under normal circumstances attempts to grow larger cause him to lose cohesion. When angry, his height can increase by +2 CS, to a max of 60' (Sh-Y). Erik's strength increases with his height to a maximum of Un. His health increases with his strength. Erik's height rank is still used for Strength FEATs, such as wrestling and lifting, at larger than Mn size, just not for damage purposes.
Ionic Energy Body: Atlas's body is composed entirely of ionic energy in a solid form. Because of recent changes, Atlas can tap ionic energy for a wider variety of powers. Right now, he maintains these listed powers, though more may emerge in the future:
-Body Armor: Am vs. all attacks except Psionics.
-Invulnerable to Cold and Heat.
-Life Support: Atlas does not need air, food, or water to survive, and he can survive in a vacuum with no ill effects.
-Flight: Ex


Talents: Military, Wrestling, Crime

Contacts: Thunderbolts

Atlas out of Ionic Form