Imus Champion
F) In40
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Mn75
R) Gd10
I) Ex20
P) Rm30
Health: 185 Karma: 60
Resources: Ex Pop: 0
Known Powers:
Body Armor: Rm vs. Physical, Energy, Shooting and Edge
-Narcotic Gas Release: Release a fast-acting narcotic gas which covers 1 area, Victim must make an Am End FEAT vs. unconscious for 1-10 rounds.
Eternal Brain Mine: Am material, Am mind blast, Victim loses control of powers. Must make an Mn Psy FEAT vs. Loss of Karma
Wand of Watoomb: CL1000 material, Absorbs up to Un magic attacks and fires it back at Am Force.
Power Gloves: The Wizard developed a pair of power gloves that grant him the following powers;
-Increase strength to Ex.
-Electron-Beam: In Energy, 4 area range
-Force Field: Rm
Staff of Seth: CL1000 material, unleases a Sh-X Energy Blast to the touch of the victim.
Anti-Gravity Disks: The Wizard uses anti-gavity disks of his own design as weapons. He throws them with Ex agility, and the disks adhere with Mn strength paste (courtesy of The Trapster). Any target struck by a disk floats upward at a rate of 10 feet per round, unless its fastened to something solid.
Zodiac Star-Blaster: Emits up to Un Light Energy from Infrared to Ultraviolet, 10 areas
EMP Generator: Un, up to 10 areas around, cause all mechanical thing to be shut down
Talents: Business/Finance, All Martial Arts, Computers, Marksmanship, Thrown Weapons
Contacts: Champion Industries, Many street and inside contacts