Christopher Powell
F) Ex20/Ty6
A) Rm30/Gd10
S) Rm30/Ty6
E) Rm30/Ty6
R) Pr4
I) Ty6
P) Ex20/Ty6
Health: 110/ Karma: 30/16
Resources: Pr Pop: 10
Known Powers:
Regeneration: While in the Darkhawk personae, he can heal up to 40 points by changing back to Chris Powell for at least 1 turn.
Grappling Hook: Am material
-Ex climbing speed. It has a 2 area range
-Fires with Rm accuracy from the right forearm.
-The grapple can also make attacks to grab or grapple an agility feat.
-Gd edged.
Gliding: Ty air speed, 6 areas per turn.
Darkforce Blast or Shield: From his chest he can do one of the following each turn but not both:
-Rm Force, 2 area
-Create a shield gives Rm protection vs physical or energy attacks, from the front only.
Enhanced Vision: He has Gd range vision and can reduce range by up to 4 areas when firing his grapple. He also has Rm intensity infra-red vision in darkness.
Amulet: Allows Chris to change into Darkhawk. Without the Amulet working, Chris has the stats changed above and none of the powers.
Talents: Blunt Weapons, Grapple Marksman
Contacts: Spider-Man, Moon Knight, New Warriors