Doctor Druid
Anthony Druid
F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) In40
Health: 60 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 10
Known Powers:
Bodily Control: Rm control over his own body functions.
Telepathy: Un
-Mental Probe: Am
Mesmerism: In, an opponent. If the opponent is aware that Druid is trying to dominate his mind, and does nothing but resist him, Druid takes a -3cs.
Illusion Generation: Am, as a Power Stunt he can cast an illusion that will effectively make him invisible.
Levitation: Fb
Telekinesis: Gd
Magical Sensitivity: By making an In FEAT roll, Druid can identify the past use of magic (a green FEAT), the spellcaster (yellow), and he actual spell (red). He can also ascertain the background of mystical items by rolling against the creator’s Psyche.
Danger Sense: If the Judge is aware of some upcoming danger, he should make a In FEAT roll about 30-45 minutes (game time) in advance. If the roll is successful, the Judge should alert Dr. Druid of the danger.
Druidic Spellcasting: Can perform a ritual that will take 1-10 hours and then make a Psyche FEAT roll. He may then use any one of the following powers or any of their Power Stunts at Remarkable Rank:
-Animal Empathy
-Earth Control
-Air Control
-Fire Control
-Water Control
-Weather Control
-Plant Control.
When he casts such a spell in the presence of cold iron, he must make a Rm Rank yellow FEAT roll or better to succeed.
Talents: Physician, Psychiatrist, Occultist, Martial Arts A, Trance, Mesmerism, Hypnotism, Resist Domination, Mystic Background.
Contacts: Avengers, Amergin