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F) Mn75
A) Mn75
S) CL1000
E) CL3000
R) CL1000
I) CL1000
P) CL1000

Health:4150 Karma:3000
Resources:CL3000 Pop:-1000

Known Powers:
Body Armor: Galactus' armor provides Sh-X protection from physical and energy attacks.
Invulnerabilities: Heat, Cold, Corrosives, Toxins, Disease, Radiation.
Energy Manipulation: CL3000 ability to manipulate all forms of energy. He can duplicate any superhuman power or endow similar powers to others. Use of this power above Sh-Y level drain his cosmic energies.
Telepathy: Un ability to read mind not being read by another.
Technology: Galactus carries an array of technological devices.
Hunger: In order to survive Galactus must consume the bio-energies of planets that support or can support life. After 30 days of feeding CL3000 abilities will slip to CL1000, after 60 days CL1000 abilities slip to Sh-Z and so on. Use of his powers at full strength lessen these periods by 1 day. Galactus may feed with his equipment or by directly absorbing the planets energies (the latter leaves him immobile for 1-10 days). The process takes 24 hours to complete.

Talents: None

Contacts: Galactus has some kind of relationship with Death and Eternity.

Galactus devovering a planet