Alex Summers
F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Ex20
E) In40
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10
Health:90 Karma:30
Resources:Ty Pop:-5
Known Powers:
Plasma Generation: Un damage if focussed up to 3 areas,
Mn damage to all in 2 areas.
Absorbtion: Un ability to absorb plasma energy and redirect it.
Partial invulnerability: Havok is immune to Cyclops' eye-beams.
-Flight Suit: This harness channels his plasma energies into
propulsion units to give him Ex flight.
-Teleportation Device: Rm
-Armor Suit: Ex
Talents: Leadership, Geophysics, Geology
Contacts: X-Factor, X-Men