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Kang the Conqueor

Kang the Conqueror

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) In40

Health: 130 Karma: 80
Resources: Am Pop: -15

Known Powers:

Body Armor: Am vs. Physical and Energy, In vs. Shooting and Edge
Time Travel: Kang is able to travel through time to any time or any place he wants with CL1000 ability.
Force Field: Mn vs. Physical and Energy
Various Weapons and Tools: Up to Sh-X abilities

Hover Pad:
-Body: Am Speed: In Control: Un Protection: None

Talents: Leadership, Marksmanship, Business/Finance, All Martial Arts, History, Repair/Tinkering

Contacts: Scarlet Centurion