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Abner "Abe" Jenkins

F) Gd10
A) Gd10
S) Rm30
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) Ty6

Health: 80 Karma: 56
Resources: EX Pop: 30

Known Powers:

Mach-1 Armor: It is technically a Mobile Armored Cyber Harness. He built it and it has benifitted by the modifications made by Techno. Anyone who wears the suit gains a +2CS to both strength and endurance. Without the suit then Abner's strength and endurance falls to typical. It has the following features.
-Rocket Flight: Ex airspeed
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. physical attacks, Rm protection vs. energy and tempeture attacks.
-Resistance to Spider-Man's Webbing
Weapons Systems:
-Submachine Guns: Rm Shooting, 7 areas
-Missle Launcher: Mn, 1 area
-Grenade Launcher: 3 area range, 3 launchers for a rate of fire of 3/2 turns, He has used knockout gas and smoke grenades.
-Flight Computer: This onboard flight computer that grants Ex manuverability, and also a +2 CS to any agility FEAT that involves manuvers or turns.
-Targeting Computer: This computer grants +2 CS to agility to fire the suit's weapons systems.
-Combat Computer: Against specifically programmed targets only, the suit anticipates the opponent's movements. This Raises Combat and Agility by +2 CS against that opponent. He currently has programs on Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Daredevil.

Talents: Electronics, Repair/Tinker

Contacts: Thunderbolts

Abe Jenkins, also the first Beetle