Eric Magnus Lehnsherr
F) Gd10
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Mn75
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Am50
Health: 125 Karma: 110
Resources: Am Pop: -50
Known Powers:
Energy Control: He can manipulate heat, light, radio waves, gamma radiation and x-rays with Mn ability.
-Flight: Rm airspeed
-Force Field: He can create a force field within 1 area at Mn rank. For every 2 areas beyond the first, the field loses -1CS. He can use magnetic and energy powers through his force field.
Magnetic Control: He can manipulate iron and iron-based alloys with Un ability to do the following:
-Lift ferrous objects as if with Un strength.
-Scramble machinery with Un ability.
-Inflict Un damage to iron-based or iron-alloyed characters.
-Detect magnetic fields with Mn ability.
-Use metal objects to attack or entrap opponents at line-of-sight range.
-Manipulate nonferrous objects with Mn ability.
-Assemble machinery in 1 round.
Telepathic Projection: He can send thoughts and images up to 10 miles away with Gd ability.
Astral Projection: Magneto can project himself onto the astral plane with Ty ability.
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
Talents: Computer, Electronics, Engineering, Espionage, Genetic Manipulation, Leadership, Multilingual (English, German, Russian and more), Robotics.
Contacts: Genosha, Acolytes
Magneto in his Red and Purple Armor