Captain Marvel
F) Am50
A) In40
S) In40
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Am50
P) Rm30
Health: 160 Karma: 30
Resources: Ty Pop: 55
Known Powers:
Kree Physiology: Originally, Captain Marvel had no superhuman powers. However, the Kree have evolved with greater strength than Earth humans in order to combat the heavier gravity of their home worlds.
Plasma Generation: Absorb solar energy and channel it into various uses.
-Solar Bolts: Rm Energy, 10 areas
Cosmic Awareness: It enabled him to sense the presence of beings and objects in the universe that were somehow of importance to him for whatever reason. It was of Mn power, and may have been somewhat comparable to Spider-Man's spider sense or to Mantis's awareness of psychic 'vibrations,' but its scope was far greater than either of those powers.
Nega bands:
-True Invulnerability: Rm degree of imperviousness to harm.
-True Flight: Rm airspeed in atmosphere, CL1000 airspeed in space.
-Self-Sustenance: Un ability to exist unprotected in outer space.
Talents: Space Navigation, Marksmanship, Hand-to-Hand Combat
Contacts: Avengers, Rick Jones