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Mole Man

Mole Man

F) Gd10
A) Rm30
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 66 Karma: 70
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties in darkness

Staff: Am material, Rm Blunt
-In Energy Blast, 5 areas
-Rm Electrical Shock, 1 area
Shades: Rm protection from Illumination

Talents: Leadership, Weapons Specialist: (Staff), Underground Navigation

Limitations: Is blinded by Ty Illumination, must have his Shades on to see on the surface.

Contacts: None, only his monsters


F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Gd10
E) In40
R) Pr4
I) Pr4
P) Pr4

Health: 66 Karma: 12
Resources: N/A Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
Teeth: Ty Edge
Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties in the darkness


Talents: None

Contacts: Mole Man

Various Other Monsters

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Un100
E) Un100
R) Pr4
I) Pr4
P) Pr4

Health: 260 Karma: 12
Resources: N/A Pop: N/A

Known Powers:
The following powers may vary from monsters:
-Body Armor: Rm vs. Physical, Energy, Shooting and Edge
-Flight: Ex Winged Flight
-Teeth: Rm Edge
-Claws: Am Edge
Night Vision: Doesn't suffer any penalties in the darkness


Talents: None

Contacts: Mole Man