Ritchie Gilmore
F) Ex20
A) Rm30/Ty6
S) In40/Gd10
E) In40/Gd10
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Pr4
Health: 130/46 Karma: 14
Resources: TY Popularity: 6
Known Powers:
All of Prodigy's powers and superhuman abilities are provided by his suit.
these include:
-Body Armor: Rm vs. Physical attacks, Ex vs. Heat, Cold, Electricity, Radiation and other energies.
-Ability Enhancment: Prodigy's armor enhances his Agility, Strength and
Endurance by +3CS and the suit has an upper maximum of Am
-Flight: Ex airspeed, 10areas/round.
Talents: Wrestling, Student
Contacts: Slingers, Black Marvel