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Professor X

Professor X

Professor Charles Franis Xaiver

F) Gd10
A) Fb2
S) Gd10
E) Gd10
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Am50

Health: 32 Karma: 100
Resources: Gd Pop: 10

Known Powers:
Telepathy: Un
-Un mind probe
-Un project thought
-Mn mental command
-Un mental bolts
-Un psionic detection
-Mn Mind Wipe
Astral Form: CL1000 ability to go into the Asrtal Plane

Cerebro: Boosts Xavier's telepathy to CL1000, used to detect other mutants and to read minds across the world.

Limitaion: Xavier must make a Psyche FEAT to use his powers, with a -1 CS to for every rank of Psyche his target has over Ty (affecting someone with an In Psyche would be done at -4 CS.)
-When in an area of overwhelming evil, his psionic powers drop -2 CS due to his inability to concentrate.
-Paralyzed, confinded to wheelchair

Talents: Business/Finance, Resist Domination, Computers, Physics, Leadership

Contacts: X-Men, Muir Island

Xavier in more formal attire