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The Red Skull

Red Skull

Johann Schmidt

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) In40
P) Rm30

Health: 140 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: -10

Known Powers:

Body Armor: Ex vs. Physical and Energy
Gun: Rm Shooting, 10 areas
Nanites: Mn Mind Control when placed on forehead. Must make a Mn Psyche FEAT vs. mind control. Can be burned out of system or by electromagnetic pulse.
Dust of Death: Rm intensity poison that caused those failing an End. FEAT to die, with their heads changing to resemble a red skull. He could fire the dust in a pellet form from a specially designed handgun.
Pre-programmed war machines: (known as “Sleepers”) Created by the Third Reich to be used against their allies in the event of their defeat. These machines, which were controlled by the Red Skull for his plans of world conquest, have Mn physical stats and In material strength.

Talents: All Martial Arts, Leadership, Military, Marksmanship

Contacts: Skeleton Crew, AIM, Taskmaster, Crossbones

S.K.U.L.L. Members

Sinister Kabal for the Underminding of Life and Liberty

F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Ty6

Health: 60 Karma: 26

Gun: In Energy, 10 areas
Body Armor: Gd vs. Physical and Energy
Nanites Spray: Mn Mind Control, a spray that covers victim in nanites. Must make a Mn Psyche FEAT vs. mind control. Can be burned out of system or by electromagnetic pulse.

Talents: Marksmanship, Military

Contacts: Red Skull