Simon Utrecht
F) Ty6
A) Gd10
S) Gd10
E) Am50
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Ex20
Health: 76 Karma: 60
Resources: In Pop: -10
Known Powers:
Telekinesis: In power to repel objects away from him, not to him.
Talents:Business/Finance, Leadership
Contacts: U-Foes
Ann Darnell
F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Ty6
E) Ex20
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10
Health:56 Karma:30
Resources:Gd Pop:-10
Known Powers:
Gaseous Form: Form any type of gas at Mn intensity rank
-Immune to all physical and Energy attacks, can only maintain her solid form for brief periods.
Talents: Life Support, Life Sciences (Ex)
Contacts: U-Foes
James Darnell
F) Gd10
A) Ex20
S) Gd10
E) Am50
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health:90 Karma:18
Resources:Gd Pop:-10
Known Powers:
Energy Projection: Am
-Hard Radiation:Am Incorporeality
-Immune to Physical and Energy
-Energy Blast: Am Energy, 10 areas
-Phasing: Am
Contacts: U-Foes
Michael Steel
F) Ex20
A) Gd10
S) Mn75
E) Mn75
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6
Health:180 Karma:18
Resources:Gd Pop:-10
Known Powers:
Body Armor: Rm vs. Physical and Energy
Density Control: Am, Above Rm he gets Body armor at that rank but suffers -1CS to his Fighting for each rank above Rm.
Contacts: U-Foes