Eric Magnus Lehnsherr
F) Gd10
A) Rm30
S) Gd10
E) Mn75
R) In40
I) Ex20
P) Am50
Health: 125 Karma: 110
Resources: Am Pop: -50
Known Powers:
Energy Control: He can manipulate Heat, Light, Radio Waves, Gamma Radiation and X-Rays with Mn ability.
-Flight: Rm airspeed
-Force Field: He can create a force field within 1 area at Mn rank. For every 2 areas beyond the first, the field loses -1CS. He can use magnetic and energy powers through his force field.
Magnetic Control: He can manipulate iron and iron-based alloys with Un ability to do the following:
-Lift ferrous objects as if with Un strength.
-Scramble machinery with Un ability.
-Inflict Un damage to iron-based or iron-alloyed characters.
-Detect magnetic fields with Mn ability.
-Use metal objects to attack or entrap opponents at line-of-sight range.
-Manipulate nonferrous objects with Mn ability.
-Assemble machinery in 1 round.
Telepathic Projection: He can send thoughts and images up to 10 miles away with Gd ability.
Astral Projection: Magneto can project himself onto the astral plane with Ty ability.
Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
Talents: Computer, Electronics, Engineering, Espionage, Genetic Manipulation, Leadership, Multilingual (English, German, Russian and more), Robotics.
Contacts: Brotherhood of Mutants
Bio-History: Magneto once worked alongside Professor Charles Xavier to construct a sanctuary in the forgotten jungles of the Savage Land, a refuge for anyone seeking respite from the kind of persecution mutants face. For a while, the two worked in harmony -- but the partnership began to dissolve as Magneto became increasingly hateful toward mankind. He came to believe Homo superior represented the next step in human evolution, and that Homo sapiens should live under the rule of mutants. Xavier did not share Magneto's view. Ultimately, the two men engaged in a fierce battle that ended when Magneto paralyzed Xavier from the waist down -- with a metal spear through the back.
His adversary out of the picture, Magneto made open anti-human attacks on both Washington and New York. The U.S. government responded by launching the Sentinels -- giant, murderous robots programmed to halt the mutant threat by any means necessary. Unshaken in his plans to subjugate the human race, Magneto believes only one force to be a true threat to his cause: Xavier's X-Men.