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Today..Fresh Michigan Tomatoes!

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Work Begins Early at the Museum on Canning Day!

Tomatoes are Washed Throughly!

Rhonda and Nelson Begin Blanching with Boiling Water!

Rhonda Peels the Skins as Nelson Answers Questions From a Curious Young Lady!

The Tomatoes are Cored, Quartered, and Cooked! Then Poured into Glass Canning Jars with 1 teaspoon Iodized Salt Added to Each!

Tomatoes are HOT be Careful! Place Top and Ring on...Tighten!

Nelson Inspects Jars for Tightness Then all Is Quiet Until the Jars Begin to Seal Themselves When Cooling...."POP"..."POP"..."POP"...Can Be Heard Througout the Afternoon as the Seals Take Effect On ALL the Jars!

It was a good day for canning at the Michigan Magazine Museum! It'll be an even better fall and winter when the taste of fresh tomatoes will be enjoyed by family and friends!

Watch for highlights of Canning At The Michigan Magazine Museum on a future edition of MICHIGAN MAGAZINE!

You may contact Nelson Yoder or Rhonda Stutesman at the Michigan Magazine Museum Thursday Through Sunday (989) 848-2246

If you'd like to learn how to can Tomatoes or other wonderful seasonal vegetables and fruits click HERE!! Or check out the wonderful selections below!

Help Keep the Lights on At The Michigan Magazine Museum! Our museum is a non profit organization dedicated to spotlight the Spirit of Michigan and her people...As a non profit we utilize volunteers who assit where ever they can from hosting and giving tours to maintenance and upkeep duties...It is all given from the heart in our attempts to uplift and educate our guests about what is positive in our state!

If you'd like to help as a volunteer in any way...please contact Curator Nelson Yoder at the Museum 989.848.2246 If you'd like to assist monetarily donations are very much needed and welcomed. Since we are a non profit organization all contributions are tax deductable. We thank you now for any assistance you may give. God bless you all for helping us spread the "Good News of the Spirit of Michigan!"

For more information on the museum's mission and how YOU can become a part of our team please take a few moments to read the latest MUSEUM UPDATE Newsletter from museum curator Nelson Yoder

Here is your link to the recipe for BIBLE BREAD as featured on Michigan Magazine

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