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Fight Homophobia

What is homophobia?

Homophobia is the fear of, or hatred towards, gay, lesbian, and sometimes
bisexual humyns. (humyn: human without using man) A homophobe,
then, is a humyn (probably straight) who percieves himself as "better"
than homosexuals, for the sole reason of their sexual orientation. Yeah,
sounds pretty stupid, but many of us already have a prejudice towards gays
based on our background and upbringing.

Why should I feel sympathy towards gays?

Because homosexual humyns are no different from a straight humyn
besides their sexual orientation. Gays sometimes may act sort of strange
towards the same sex, but that's because they see people differently than
us. In my opinion, gays are usually more creative and open-minded than
many straight humyns.

Are you gay?

No, not myself. If you're ever arguing homophobia with someone, and
they ask you if you're gay because you support anti-homophobia, then
ask them "If we were having this argument about racism, would that make
me black?" (NOTHING against black people, and if you are black, just
ask them if that would make you white).

I'll kill all the gay fags.

That wouldn't be a very pleasant thing to do.

Homophobia-Related Links

And Justice for All

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