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NameAngela Tiffanie Ho
Birth Place Vietnam,MyTho
Birth DateJanuary 15
OcupationStudent... hmm what else can I do?
HobbiesListen to all kind of music, watch movies (comedy, action & romance), play with computers and surf the net or chat with friends.
Favorite Movie StarsLeonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Nicolas Cage, Demi Moore, Tom Cruise, Jennider Aniston
Favorite SingersBoys II Men, Aqua All4One,Celine Dion,Tony Braxton,Spice Girl,Backstreet Boys, Don Ho, Luu Bich, Ngoc Hue, Lynda Trang Dai and Tommy Ngo
Favorite SongsMy Heart Will Go On and Dr.Jones
Favorite MoviesThe Mask of Zorro, Titanic, Man in the iron mask, Addicted to Love, Sleepless In Seattle
Favorite FlowersRose, Tulip, Lily, Carnations and Sunflower
Favorite FoodCanadian Food, Chinese Food, and Best of All Italian Food hehheh yummy
Favorite ColorWhite, Blue, Black,and Purple
Quotes"If you don't understand, ASK"
"Tomorrow is another day!"

Well, That's about me! (*_~)
Thanks for your time!

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