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A Special Thank You for being you guys *s*

Close to me your like my Sister.....Each of these ladies embodies a heart so giving and a spirit so unbelievably strong....In you i have found sisters for my man Method says "Nothing makes a man feel better than a woman"....*g*.....*tigerly hugs*

Ms Sultry...Miss Al-might-ee.....*bows eternally to da queen* love u mommi....with your freaky self....don't front now.....hee hee..... my sis 4 life....with all the drama in your life i appreicate how you made time to be there when i needed you most......cause you are just as sensitive as me.... but you front on it more.....hee hee.....i know a lot of craziness and shadines may be going on and i want you to know that you are the one i trust with what i hold most dear....and u should know you will always be able to come to me and know it will never go further....*s*..... you are definitely the closest friend i have online and our friendship has survived all the changes one of us has been through *s*..... no matter wherever life may lead either one of us i know that it will never affect our friendship..... if anything i know your azz will find someway to track me down!.....*lmao*..... and of course crazy love also to your precious babies.....*kisses* may they grow up to be as loving and beautiful as their mom..... you're in my heart sis....*awwww tears formin*....*s*'re my M & M.....darnit i'm the red one..... what?....hee hee.....seriuously tho..... a true sis in you i found.... DIVAS 4 Life

Daisia....Miss day you will find that special someone but until then i'm here for u sis.....understand this..... you are truly a beautiful and caring lady.....don't ever let any man cause you to lose your grasp on that.....but i will be here to remind you always....*s*.....whatever has happened to you in the past you are strong enough to grow beyond it and be the incredible woman i know you are now....*s* you twin.....DIVAS 4 Life

Freedom....Miss are the true angel.... dam native....hee to my angelic sis....*wink*.... when the tables were turned you were there for me and it meant so much to me..... i know you have a lot of things on you're mind sometimes ......but don't stress too much ok sis?....*s* are good people......and i mean that listen to me and i feel in my heart that you genuinely care about me beyond all the chat are one of the sweetest people i've had the pleasure to meet online and i realize that each time we get a chance to talk......i just want you to know that the friendship is not one sided...... whatever happens to you in love and can come to me with in your sis ok?....*s*.....with yall sloooooooooow self .....but i still Wuv You anyways.....hee hee..... darnit all the problems you cause me.....hee hee......DIVAS 4 LIFE would my shout out page be complete without a special section to my beautiful sis named for the sunrise *s*...... i was Blessed the day that you came into my life..... i instantly let you into all the tribulations that i seem to struggle with on a day to day basis and you truly were/are my strength when i would question myself...... there are times when i dont know what i would have done if you werent around to guide me back to where i belong....... you are such a strong individual and i admire that about you tremendously sis.....its your spirit that allows you capture all the beauty of life and your giving nature that let you share it with everyone you love..... i'm thankful to be one of the beloved ones......whenever you feel lost..... and it seems as if your world is crumbling around you......know that someone out there loves you and wants you to feel as if you can come to her for comfort.....words cannot express how much of a true friend you have become to me.....i love you sis

Latrice aka REDD sis.... Miss Strength....stay above all the bull because inside of you is where the realness're are such a strong woman and no one knows that more than i do sis.....Thank You for being there in my crazy dramas in life ......keep the Strength in your soul always.....DIVAS 4 LIFE

KIWI....Miss sketchy sis....*g*.....keep restin your soul and fate will make things happen......i truly believe one day we will be happy and what will we rag about then?...*s*....Thank You for all your helped me to put my thoughts where they really were always there and i will never forget that....even when you had problems of your remember i will always be here for you as well sis.....DIVAS 4 LIFE

Close to me your like my brother..... Much respects due to each of these deep brothas.....In you i have found restored faith that somewhere out there real MEN do exist.....You each are on another level than all of the rest so don't the playa haters ever bring u down.....*tigerly hugs*

MIND GAMES.....alright now.... a new revised version for my "old found" bro..... hee hee.... sorry cutie you knew i had to go there right?..... since you kept telling me you werent my "new found" bro anymore *s*..... but thats how our friendship flows anyways...... its always about the jokes but when its time to be serious we can flip the script on them....... our friendship has seen a lot and even though it seems like life keeps testing us we always seem to find a way to shine...... and you will always have this light in your life because you're blessed with your babies...... as long as they are in your life cutie...... you will never lack love......whoever might come along down the road will be lucky enough to have love times 3 *s*....... i will always cherish your friendship because i can always depend on you to make me laugh and i truly value your opinion and advice...... you have an old soul and i feel a bond with you as if you are true fam...... if you ever need me i will be right here waiting.... even if you might front and say you're cool *s*..... always stay cool cutie because you cant be anything else *s*.....oh and i Refuse to take away that Pimp status because now women have to be forewarned!.....*lol*..... i love you bro.....*HHH*

MELLO~Yello.....i still cant believe we live so close to each other but havent met yet *s*.....i know that will change soon though *w*...... i consider you one of the most talented and sweetest men i have met in a long time..... i always enjoy our long conversations because i feel as if i can talk to you about things i cant express to other people..... you have this very chill vibe about you that can almost be invigorating......i can honestly say that i have never met anyone like you before *s*.... and thats a wonderful thing..... i wish you nothing but luck on all that you do..... just dont forget us little people when you're in Lah Lah Land making all the big movies......hee hee..... much love sweets

Narcissius.....because of you i will always have a dancing partna .....keep thinking and never let anyone shut u up again........let the rain rain love and happiness on u have truly and deeply touched me with your my heart and my soul........

Freaky Tah....aka Funky....GGRRRRRRR.....THANK YOU sooooo much for all your help (i really mean it).....who needs men when i have you to laugh with and act silly with?....*s*.....only the best r good people and i appreciated your concern when i was down for a bit....*s*....lubs ya my overly funktified daddy.....where's my tape? .....*g*'re a very sweet and deep brotha.....don't go and changin on me now.....*s*.....Thank You for your wisdom and experience about life and're the best big bro a girl could have.....your my partna for LIFE....hee hee....prosperity and love to you in your life always ....lubs you!

Much Love and Respects to my Sistas and Brothas

Snazzy Lady.....Sweet Caramel #7 (miss you sis!...where ARE you??).....ALYZE .....Cleo.....Wu-World.....$$$ Panthreyz $$$..... Chipmunk.... Butta Pecan Chocolate Deluxe (whhhassssssssssuuuuppppppp lil sis *wink*)..... Nature..... Erykah.....Ebon?cz.....Gyrl Phunki.... Jai's Girl.....Best Chocolate Man.... Cunning Linguist..... Babe Doll....Daddy-Love.....T.....BETCHA BITE A CHIP.....NIGGA WIT MUCH TUDE....Ray aka T-D@WG...... SN'S..... BIG DADDY THA ONE.....Ms Shay.....Ms Sassy.....*~ISIS~*.....Stefan......MO'ET/Nisha..... Jasmine.....Mochalattechill.......NICDMIS FROM ROXBURY (hey boyfriend! *s*) .....Quayshaun (sup cuuuzzzz *hugs*).....Spookyjuice.....Tammi Terrell.... Quayvon...... Lil Devil....Sharazz.....Short & Sexy.....Coco Bruva..... warreni.....Tr@deWinds ..... D@TBIGGUL DEE (sup VA hoooooooka! *s*)......Millennia.....Tropical......Spawn......Dollaz&Sence (hey partna *s*) ..... ThaBluesTang.....Mr. Street Dreams.....BlacIce....Balance.....Harlem Poet..... REDMAN aka HIGH CHIEF.....Marine4Life......English Dave......Tre'Vaughn..... KID FRE$H.... FreeStyleKilla.....Trevon Jones .....Ubiquity.... GINUWINE.....$MOKEY.....<<>>Lorax<<>>..... ASS LICKER.....(V)ysterilli.....Lil Boo.....WyldChyld......HEARTLESS.....STRENGTH ......TrueScientistElementalImassu.....

If i forgot anyone I sincerely apologize....Charge it to my Mind.... Not my Heart.....*s*...... Just let me know and it will be rectified.....

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