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One Heartbeat Away

the sensation of utter bliss
when i can hear his voice
i fall in a trance
i have no choice
my soul has unearthed tranquility in his love
i want to zone out the world
except for the deep vibration of his sweet sound
in him my lost self slowly has been found
i believe in him
i believe in his love
in his words
he tells me he wants me
he tells me we can make it through
he speaks to me with his heart
words so simple
yet they bestow to me renewed inspiration
but i am still in hestitation
can i truly be in his every thought
to surround him with my whole essence
and it be enough
how can i control my wounded heart
to not let be rooted in past anguish
just waiting for my chance to exhale
with my heart in his hand
will he catch my unshed tears
only to shelter my unwanted fears
to close my eyes
to feel him with me
one heartbeat away

tiger lily - 2/98

