36 Double Delight, Sexay Redbone, Minte, Asian Roni, and Sierra Gyrl posing in our room
DatCatsMeow, Smallie Biggs, Da Dilly and Saint74 tryin to pose
Illbedamn, Dilly and Smallie in Soopaluva's room
H-Luva and Roni chillin at the bowling alley
Karomelo Jones and Sexay Redbone doing the same
Smallie and Dilly
Alovers, 36 DD, Roni, Sexay Redbone and Sierra posing at the mall
Mookie, #1 Pick, Ksimba, and Soopaluva
Pick and 36 DD
.... the 3 hour Good-byes
Roni and Ant187
KJ and Sierra
Roni, Sierra, Ant and Sexay
Roni and Pick
Roni, Dat Irate Nugga and Sierra
That's it for now people..... more to come.....But i just wanted to give a very
special Shout Out to and especially
for allowing
everyone into their home Saturday Nite....and then again Sunday afternoon!!.....
the food was Off the Hook!......I think i speak for everyone when i say Thank
You.....it was
really appreciated.....Much love!!!
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