Tigris Grafix Illustrations

This is a personal portfolio of the artwork of Arthur Dreese

By entering this site, you are agreeing not to trade, copy, alter, claim ownership, or change the context in which the artwork was intended to represent. All content, unless stated otherwise, is copyright Arthur Dreese and not to be used, traded, copied, altered or claimed by anyone without the concent of Arthur Dreese.

In addition, Art Dreese cannot be held responsible for any damage and/or loss of information and/or hardware by using this site, nor is he responsible for any legal or disciplinary actions taken upon you for using this disk, viewing its content and/or accessing the information and/or contents stored here or elsewhere in relation to the content herein.

If you have any questions regarding the artwork or problems on the disk, please contact Art Dreese at:

If you agree to the terms, please click below and enjoy

last updated March 30, 2003
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