About Me

resume available.
ICQ: 29291311
AOL: JasonSW18
MSN: tigris_grafix@hotmail.com
Y!M: Bast_4_U

My name's Art Dreese. I'm 24 years old and from Grand Haven, Michigan. I graduated from Grand Haven Senior High School in 1997 and attended Ferris State University's "Visual Communications" program for 2 years until I left due to lack of interest in the program.

I'm an Illustrator more than an Artist (in my own opinion) and I am an internet junkie. If you've gotten this far, or have been to my actual, public site (www.arthurdreese.com) you've probably noticed that unlike many of the new styles of artist's pages, my content is easily navigable and fast to download. I'm very much a minimalist when it comes to such things. When I see an advertisement, I believe the hierarchy of "Product", "Relevance", "Encouragement" should be applied and when I see an "artistic" commercial that distracts from the item/service/whatever for the sake of entertainment, I am appauled. I love commercials and television, by the way.

Most of my current artwork is set around characters and illustrating them. I would like to someday do interior illustration for gaming books such as White Wolf or Wizards of the Coast or Alderac Entertainment, but at this time, it is just a hobby.

If you are interested in a commission or in contacting me, check out my Contact links and drop me a line and we'll see what I can do for you.