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Possible Titles For Monica Lewinsky's New Book

As many of you know, since President Clinton's acquittal, it has been announced that Monica Lewinsky is writing a "tell-all" book to vindicate herself and hopefully clean up her image so that she can find a husband. Linda Tripp, it has also been announced, is writing a book claiming that she only wanted to help Monica because she felt "motherly instincts" towards her. Yeah, right! Just like a mother spider who eats her young! Anyways, here are a few suggestions for Monica's new book title...

1. Me And My Big Mouth

2. What REALLY Goes Down In The White House

3. You Have to Work Hard To Find The Softer Side Of The President

4. How I Blew It In Washington

5. Testing The Limits Of The Gag Rule

6. Going Back For Gore

7. Secret Services to the President

8. Harass Is NOT A Two Letter Word: The Story Of William Jefferson Clinton

9. The Congressional Study On White House Intern Positions

10. She's Chief Of MY Staff!

11. Al Gore Is In Command For The Next 30 Minutes

12. Going Down And Moving Up

13. Members Of The Presidential Cabinet

14. How To Get A Head In Business

And my own personal favorite...

15. I Wore What You Did Last Summer

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