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Feeling Down?

Whenever you're feeling down, just try to remember that right now...

Someone is very proud of you

Someone is thinking of you

Someone is caring about you

Someone misses you

Someone wants to talk to you

Someone wants to be with you

Someone hopes you are not in trouble

Someone is thankful for the support you have provided

Someone wants to hold you hand

Someone hopes everything turns out all right

Someone wants you to be happy

Someone wants you to find him/her

Someone wants to give you a gift

Someone wants to hug you

Someone thinks you ARE a gift

Someone admires your strength

Someone wants to protect you

Someone can't wait to see you

Someone loves you for who you are

Someone treasures your spirit

Someone is glad that you are their friend

Someone wants to get to know you better

Someone wants to be near you

Someone wants you to know they are there for you

Someone would do anything for you

Someone wants to share their dreams with you

Someone is alive because of you

Someone needs your support

Someone needs you to have faith in them

Someone trusts you

Someone is listening to a song that reminds them of you

Someone needs you to send this page to them

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