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My Review Of The No Security Tour In Auburn Hills, MI On 2-22-99

Hello Fellow Stones Fans!! I was fortunate enough to have been able to see the World's Greatest Rock 'N Roll Band on their No Security tour. I typed up a little review for all to enjoy.

Whew! What an awesome night! We had a 3 1/2 hour drive to the Palace, but it was well worth the drive! When we came off the exit to the Palace, (home of Detroit Pistons Basketball) traffic was backed up for miles. All we could see were headlights and tail lights. We found our way into the parking lot after being in bumper to bumper traffic for about 45 minutes. We then spent another hour driving throught the lot trying to find a place to park. We ended up parking in the VIP lot, which was perfect for getting out after the show! We entered the doors to the Palace just as Wide Mouth Mason was finishing up. We were ready! Our seats were in the press box, which at first, we were not too happy about. I mean, what could we expect for $90 seats? We rode the elevator (complete with a "Carlton, The Door Man") up to the fourth floor. The ushers directed us to our seats, which turned out to be fantastic! We were able to see everything from where we were. There was even a private rest room up there, so we didn't have to fight the crowds downstairs! This was gonna be a great time!

After a very short wait, (maybe 15 minutes), the video screen lit up and showed "DaBoys" walking down a hall. If you have seen this tour, you know which video I am talking about. They emerged on stage and the crowd went wild. It was 9:25pm. Mick was dressed in black pants and a red t-shirt, covered by an open, long sleeved pink shirt. Keith was wearing black jeans with a purple scarf hanging from his pocket, a purple shirt and black leather jacket. Ronnie was in black jeans, maroon sleeveless t-shirt and black leather jacket. Charlie was very well dressed, (as usual), in grey slacks with a grey polo style shirt.

Here's the setlist:
Jumpin' Jack Flash
Live With Me (Totally awesome!)
Respectable (Complete with the Jagger sneer)
You Got Me Rocking
Honky Tonk (Go Lisa!)
Memory Motel
Sweet Virginia (Awesome)
Some Girls (With Mick changing the lyrics)
Paint It Black (You could FEEL the place shake!)

Band Intros...of course, Charlie got his double standing ovation! He's so cute when he blushes! (10:05pm is the time.)

You Got The Silver (Excellent job, Keith!)
Before They Make Me Run (Keith)
Out Of Control (Without Mick's cage that was used in previous shows)

DaBoys make their way down the runway to the small stage. Everyone but Mick is slapping and shaking hands with the crowd. Mick bends down and hands a very lucky girl a rose. If she is a true Stones fan, she'll keep this rose forever. I know I would! But then again, I am such a fan that I have their tongue and lips tattooed on my right calf.

Route 66
When The Whip Comes Down
Midnight Rambler (In my opinion, the best song of the night. Mick was like a cat on the prowl with his movements and gestures to the crowd. I counted four bras, one pair of panties, (which Keith quickly kicked back into the crowd), what appeared to be a CD, and a rose being thrown onto the stage. Had I been anywhere near the stage, I would have thrown my shirt, my bra, my soul, anything up there!!

Back to the large stage. Everyone is slapping and shaking hands again with the crowd, including Mick. I wish SO badly that I was one of the few, the proud, the die hard fans to be touched by DaBoys!

Tumbling Dice (Another crowd pleaser!)
It's Only Rock 'N Roll
Start Me Up
Brown Sugar

At the end of this one, it sounds like a gunshot, and these red, silver and blue (I think) metallic streamers come shooting out of the beams above the runway. From where I am at, they are at eye level, and heading straight for me! Unfortunately, they do not make it far enough for me to be able to get one.

They exit the stage, and the streamers are cleaned up. They come back to do the encore, which we all know is Sympathy For the Devil. The band bows to the crowd, and we're wild. It seems like the show just started, but an hour and 50 minutes have passed. We scream for more, they bow again. I am looking through binoculars, watching as Mick goes from one side of the stage to the other. As he makes his way to my side, I swear he makes eye contact with me! I take the binoculars down from my eyes, and quickly put them back up, and he is smiling right at me! My night is complete. The lights come on, and we realize it's REALLY over.

It was a great crowd at the Palace. A few young kids, a lot of teens, people my age (mid 30's), all the way up to people the age of the Stones themselves. No fights, just a handful of drunks, a few pot smokers, but all in all, a very good crowd.On the way out of the Palace, I didn't see one person without a sweaty smile on their face!

Everything was perfect. The Stones were at their absolute best, playing like they really meant it. The stage, the lighting, the sound, etc. Everything was great!Oh sure, there were songs that I would have loved to hear them play that they didn't, but when you're the World's Greatest Rock 'N Roll Band, and have been playing for 30+ years, you have a lot of songs to choose from, so you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

What a treasured memory this night will be for me, and many others. Thank you, Rolling Stones, for blessing us here in Michigan with your presence!! They were in Michigan in '89, '94, and now in '99. The way I see it, they'll be back in 2004. Believe me...I will be there, but this time, I'm up front!!!!!For anyone who hasn't seen the show yet, you're in for a real treat. Anyone that is still trying to decide if they want to go...most definitely go see it. You will have no regrets!!

*****Because they are the World's Greatest Rock 'N Roll Band. Because their music is the soundtrack to my life. Because "This Could Be the Last Time...I Don't Know!" Because they came, I saw, I lived to tell about it. Because "It's Only Rock 'N Roll, But I Like It!"*****

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