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The 10 Most Important People In A Woman's Life

1. The Doctor, because he says, "Take off your clothes."

2. The Dentist, because he says, "Open wide."

3. The Hairdresser, because he asks, "Do you want it teased or blown?"

4. The Milkman, because he asks, "Do you want it in front or in back?"

5. The Interior Decorator, because he says, "Once you have it all in, you'll love it!"

6. The Banker, because he says, "If you take it out too soon, you'll lose interest."

7. The Police Officer, because he says, "Spread 'em!"

8. The Mailman, because he always delivers his package.

9. The Pilot, because he takes off fast and then slows down.

10. The Hunter, because he always go deep in the bush, shoots twice, and always eats what he shoots.

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