What is he talking about?
"Christianity, like most religions, works with fear. Sins can be confessed and you are "clean again" and can start to sin again without thinking about your old sins. We believe that people should ask themselves why they sinned. They should show some responsibility."
"We want to raise the children the parents aren't raising."
"I think we want to press individuality on people, though that doesn't necessarily mean being like us. But, it doesn't mean that if you come dressed like us that you aren't being yourself. If you want to do that, that's fine. At our shows, it's like a halloween party, which isn't a bad thing. I'd like to see more of it actually."
"Guys, girls, they're both fun."
"Whiskey and speed."
"Confusion is the best form of communication. It's left to be unexplained."
"I want to continue to try and break the barrier between male and female."
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