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OCTOBER 21, 2001... Howdy, fellow workers of the great UAW Local 651, if you are interested in reading about the history  of the U.S. Labor Movement, especially The Flint UAW, and want to learn more about labor union issues here are some wonderful books! Brothers and Sisters, alot of these books are at The Flint Public Library...the greatest library in the world! Check out The Genesee District Libraries in Genesee County also for these great reads. As a member of UAW Local 651, the best reading that we can do as workers is to have a copy of your latest local and national agreement. With these tools, you can help enforce and strengthen the local and national agreement. If one can't clear up the perceived contractual violation with the manager or engineer, please call your commitee person! By doing this, you become part of the process, and by standing up for your rights, you thus protect another worker's! KNOW YOUR WEINGARTEN RIGHTS! CLICK NOW TO LEARN THEM! Also, you should have a copy of your local union by-laws and International UAW Constitution. Please get involved with your local. Attend your union meetings. Run for union office! Read and educate yourself in the great labor history all us workers are part of. The Great Flint Sitdown Strike was the pivotal moment in labor history! We are all connected together because of this.  


Union Steward Education:




January 1...Well...welcome to yr2000.Thanks to all the computer people in the US and the world...We made it without any major glitches! Anyway,I was gettin' concerned a few days before new milleneum!  On the news I saw pictures of people standin' in line for water, food and supplies...etc. Hmmmm...maybe I should go get even more supplies! Naw, I figured this great country of ours would pass the test! We have so many times in the past! God Bless The United States of America...we passed with flying colors!  Anyhoo,(hope this blue is easier on your eyes!)it suddenly came to me that we went through something kind of like this around 1938 that had everyone concerned! Remember that famous broadcast around 1938? This was before television. This was when the whole family would sit together around the radio(man, it was big) and listen. There were no images to see...only the big wood radio cabinet and the announcer's voice! Imagine that! Suddenly, it came to old Uhhuh...I'll bet there are some places on this web that will relive those days of old! I might not be able to hear or see too good, but I can still hold my own peckin' at the keyboard and surfin' the web! Guess what I found?  Go to and to relive the past! They have done a great job! Gotta go! 

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